San Francisco Inspiration


As most people who know me know, I’m a pretty big fan of San Francisco. Even with its high rents, disfunctional mass transit system and even the fog that hangs around my neighborhood, i’m constantly reminded how different this city is, and how much amazing things seem to take place here.

Lately, what’s really stood out are the people you find here. It doesn’t matter if its for a startup you’re working on or a new art project or an awesome new food concept cart, SF seems to attract people from all over the world who are looking to create. And they don’t just limit themselves to just one thing, usually its multiple projects.

Several of my friends work a day job to fuel their artistic projects, or their startups, or their personal dreams. What’s amazing is not just you find so many of these people here, but how incredibly accessible

My largest work- Zocalo

My largest work- Zocalo

they are. Any given day you can walk into a bar and end up having a discussion with a lead engineer from Twitter- or Anthony Bourdain. SF denizens seem more than willing to talk to a complete stranger, even assisting them in their endeavors.

For new entrepreneurs, this ease of communication and accessability helps immensly- both in finding similiarly minded future teammates or discovering funding or an advisor- leads to a much quicker product launch, and larger chance for the startup to be succesful. You just can’t do that anywhere in the world.

This truly is a city of thinkers, tinkers and dreamers- but I wouldn’t have it any other way. As Oscar Wilde said about San Francisco “It’s an odd thing, but anyone who disappears is said to be seen in San Francisco. It must be a delightful city and possess all the attractions of the next world”

I couldn’t agree more 🙂

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